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When I think of a woman

Rose et amour....rosa y amor ....rose d'amour ..rosa de amor.. // Explore (Photo credit: Silabox...en vacances ) When I think of a woman, I can see a family photograph, A happy family, A working father, A loving mother, Children in twos and threes, With not a single hint of misery. I can smell the sweetness of flowers, A fragrance so sweet, That not even a field of wild roses, Could ever have the same power, That makes men, Spend in numbers more than ten. I can feel an overwhelming amount of emotions, Which many poets and musicians, Spend their entire lifetime describing, An emotion more addictive, Than any known drug, A simple four letter word, That sets so many events in motion. I can taste something bittersweet on my tongue, The bitterness of disappointment, And the sweetness of fulfillment, Because both taste combined, Makes it more refined. Related articles Flowers And Fragrances (

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