The Crazy Robbery

A crazy man robs a bank but failed to escape. Police had him surrounded and he held everyone inside hostage. The police negotiator secures a direct line with the bank robber but it went downhill from there.
Police negotiator: "Who am I speaking with?"
Bank robber: "The Riddler. I am a famous villain from the Batman universe."
Police negotiator: "Great. That makes me the Batman for this case."
Riddler: "Indeed. If you want me to release the hostages, answer my riddles honestly."
Batman: "Oh shit, I did not put any stat points into my Wisdom."
Riddler: "What is the purpose of my life?"
Batman: "Cause as much chaos and grief to Batman?"
Riddler: "Wrong answer!"
Bang! *Screaming sound*
Riddler: "A hostage just died because you rolled a 1, Batman. Round 2! Why is life not fair to me?"
Batman: ".....Because you are a comic book nerd and no woman loves you?"
Riddler: "Wrong insult!"
Bang! *Screaming sound*
Riddler: "And another hostage bites the dust today. Better shame your dice once this session is over."
Batman: "Shit! I hate this kind of Diplomacy based last bosses."
Riddler: "Don't hate the Game Master, hate your destiny as a noob. Round 3! Who is the person I truly loved?"
Batman: "Your momma?"
Riddler: "Technically correct."
Bang! *Screaming sound*
Batman: "What the fuck! I thought I was correct!"
Riddler: "You are but I did not say what happens when you answered correctly."
Batman: "Then this whole negotiation is pointless!"
Riddler: "Aha, you answered the first riddle accurately! I am releasing one hostage now."
*After one hostage is released*
Batman: "So, I have to answer accurately?"
Riddler: "I did not say that."
Batman: "Godamnit!"
Riddler: "Round 4! If money is the root of all evil, why do everybody wants it?"
Batman: "Because humans are naturally evil?"
Riddler: "Nat 20!"
*Loads of paper money gets thrown out the window*
Batman: "Holy shit! I don't know if I should be happy or angry."
Riddler: "Round 5! Which oath of mine must be kept at all cost?"
Batman: "I give up. Which?"
Riddler: "Her happiness above mine."
*Bang* Hostages rush out of the bank. The Riddler killed himself. No actual hostages were hurt during the robbery. The screams heard in the negotiation were prepared before the robbery.


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