Is to enforce peace,
By destroying weapons,
I never thought,
These rare weapons,
Were made by weaponmaker,
Now if I could find him,
My life would be a lot easier.
Let me tell you,
How much trouble weaponmaker caused me,
He made a weapon,
That uses air for defense and offense,
I destroyed it,
And learned of his identity.
He made a weapon,
That never stops making music,
To control minds,
I destroyed it,
And learned of his thoughts.
He made a weapon,
That allows murder in a dream,
I destroyed it,
And learned of his dreams.
He made a weapon,
That binds a person,
Making them slaves,
I destroyed it,
And learned of his sadness.
He made a weapon,
That freezes a person,
Stopping all movement,
I destroyed it,
And learned of his time on Earth.
He made a weapon,
That destroys souls,
I destroyed it,
And learned of his evilness.
Slowly but surely,
With more of weaponmaker's creation,
Destroyed in my hands,
I fall in love with him.
He made a weapon,
That steals objects into a scroll,
I destroyed it,
And learned of his private message for me.
He made a weapon,
That allows attacks from everywhere,
I destroyed it,
And learned of his location.
I, weaponeater,
Will save you from your duty,
I am coming.
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