This Is A Chat Game
System has created a conversation.
Omnius and Gamma has joined the conversation.
System: Omnius recognized as Speed Magic Specialist Lvl2.
System: Gamma recognized as Blade Magic Specialist Lvl2.
Omnius: You really got addicted to this, eh?
Gamma: Yeah, she called me up just for one session.
System: Shut up and let me explain the rules for this session.
Omnius: K.
System: Both magician has 10 health points. Time limit between turns is 2 minutes. Omnius will get the first turn. Allowed command types are: auto (buff self), field (area of effect), and target (offense). Used elements cannot be used again.
Omnius: Agree.
Gamma: Agree.
System: Battle Start!
Omnius: c auto rotation disk
System: A rotation disk appeared and will negate 2 target commands aimed at Omnius.
Omnius: Just 2? Crap. Wasted turn.
Gamma: c field sword graveyard
System: The battlefield changed to a sword graveyard. Offense command for Gamma deals one extra damage to health points.
Omnius: Cheater!
Gamma: Your turn. Faster la.
Omnius: c target slow.
System: Gamma's speed has been reduced. Omnius gets 2 extra turns after Gamma's turn.
Gamma: Bummer.
Gamma: c auto excalibur.
System: The next 2 damage done to Gamma will be negated.
Omnius: c target fire.
System: 1 damage done to Gamma. However, negated by excalibur.
Omnius: c auto speed up.
System: Omnius will get one extra turn after Gamma's turn.
Gamma: c target poison.
System: Command negated by rotation disk.
Gamma: Noooooo! Forgot about that.
Omnius: Haha!
Omnius: c target ice.
System: 1 damage done to Gamma. However, negated by excalibur.
Omnius: c target agility hit.
System: 2 damage done to Gamma. 8 life left.
Gamma: c target dagger.
System: Command negated by rotation disk.
Omnius: c target fast kick.
System: 2 damage done to Gamma. 6 life left.
Gamma: Are we playing chain?
System: No.
Gamma: c target broadsword.
System: A broadsword stabbed Omnius. 3 damage dealt. +1 due to sword graveyard. 7 life left.
Omnius: c target fast spike throw.
System: High speed spike hit Gamma. 2 damage dealt. 4 life left.
Gamma: Shit!
Gamma: c auto katana wall.
System: A wall of katana appears. Next 2 damage done to Gamma will be negated.
Omnius: c target quick slice.
System: Quick slice negated by katana wall.
Gamma: c target blade rain.
System: Raining blades sliced Omnius. 3 damage dealt. +1 due to sword graveyard. 4 life left.
Omnius: c target quick bash
System: Gamma gets bashed too quickly to dodge. 2 damage dealt. 2 life left.
Gamma: I'm tired. Let's just end this.
Gamma: c target poison knife.
System: A poison knife sliced Omnius. 3 damage dealt. +1 due to sword graveyard. 1 life left.
Omnius: c target running hit.
System: Gamma got hit while Omnius run around him. 2 damage dealt. 0 life left. Omnius won! Omnius leveled up to lvl 3 Speed Magic Specialist.
Gamma: This is nothing. I am lvl 10 Nature magic specialist on another system.
System: Tell that system to send me your chat logs and once verified, I will level you up accordingly.
Gamma: Really? Awesome! Some gamemaster don't accept level transfer....
System: Just trying to make it fun.
Omnius: I have to think of a field command.....
System: Take your time. No hurry.
Gamma: Bye. Good night.
Omnius: G'night.
System: Sweet dreams.
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