My Generation's Fear

We fear poverty.
We fear materialism.

We fear dictators.
We fear failed democracies.

We fear warfare.
We fear the rat race during peaceful times.

We fear peer pressure.
We fear lack of motivation.

We fear loneliness.
We fear fake friends.

We fear the police state.
We fear stupid free speeches.

We fear parenthood.
We fear old lonely deaths.

We fear psychopaths in our midst.
We fear visiting psychologists to save our minds.

We fear bad test scores.
We fear life scorching us with karma.

We fear not being loved.
We fear being worshiped on a pedestal.

We fear not being heard.
We fear having every move stalked.

We fear failing others.
We fear others failing us.

We fear the death of loved ones.
We fear for the life path of young ones.

We fear cancer striking us down at our prime.
We fear a long and healthy life achieving nothing significant.

We fear the darkness in our inner self.
We fear the weakened light of our moral compass.

We fear fanatics.
We fear mobs led by these fanatics.

We fear sleepless nights.
We fear sleepy days filled with to-do lists.


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