Price of Power

Powerless (comics)
Image via Wikipedia
Everything comes at a price,
Knowledge at the price of ignorance,
Experience at the price of pain,
Power included. 

Let me tell you,
What is the price they paid,
He paid his friendship,
For wealth,
She paid her time,
For her passion,
They paid with their lives,
For a revolution,
Everybody pays,
In one form or the other.

So ask yourselves,
To what great lengths,
Would you go for power?
How deep a sea would you dive?
How hot a fire would you touch?
How far in the sky would you reach?
What price is right?
Is dignity ok?
Is personality ok?
Is memory ok?
How much should I pay,
Just so I can never be powerless?

No longer will I watch,
As events tear people apart,
As sadness engulfs loved ones,
As children living without feeling loved,
As people give up hope,
No longer powerless,
No longer strictly watching,
I paid the price for power.

Is the power worth the price?
Am I ok with the price I paid?
Losing that in exchange for this,
It's alright, right?
For me alone to walk this path,
So others have hope. 

I can't help regretting,
I can't help dreaming of the other path,
I can't help doubting my own decision,
For I am merely human. 
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